One more on the Way

Here be dragons! Oh wait no, wrong saint... No dragons, but compassionate scallop shells, stone ships and an endless field of stars... This is my registry in the ongoing story of pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, or the Via de las Estrellas!

Herein you will find research at it's most personal. This blog is one piece of my auto-ethnography about the landscape of pilgrimage. A continuous introspective postcard from Spain as I walk towards a Master's of Landscape Architecture.

A note about the title: Apparently Henry David Thoreau, the quintessential Saunterer himself, understood (perhaps falsely) that the word 'saunter' derived from the French "Sainte Terre", a reference to medieval pilgrims en route to the the Holy Land. Whether the entymology is correct or not, it resonates with me as I saunter myself along this earth in search of a Saint.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Women of the Way Book Trailer

Check out Jane Blanchard's site for more information about her upcoming book. That's me in the video at about 0:35 seconds in!